Stinson Beach to Bolinas Ridge Loop | Stinson Beach, CA


Panoramas... ocean... waterfalls... forest... amazing... gorgeous... SOS, this extraordinary hike has broken our brains and we can't find the right words to do it justice.

Last hiked 2/7/21

Length: 8.2 mi.

Gain: 1810 ft.

Type: Loop

Difficulty: Moderate

Crowds: Moderate

Dogs: No


If you look past downtown San Francisco on a clear day towards the north, you'll see the sharp, towering peak of Mount Tamalpais. Often called Mount Tam, this state park has a dizzying array of trails for hikers, runners, and mountain bikers alike. This particular hike starts at the beach town of Stinson Beach, weaves through a dense, lush forest, and takes you on an ocean-view mosey most of the way. In short, Mount Tam at its finest.

Park at the north end of Avenida Farallone. The end of this loop hike feeds directly back onto this street. Be sure not to block any driveways and please be mindful of the local residents.

Park Hours: 7am to sunset

Fees: Avenida Farallone street parking - none; Pantoll parking - $8

Trailhead: We parked at the north end of Avenida Farralone in the Stinson Beach neighborhood, then walked to the Dipsea Trailhead located off Shoreline Hwy.

Restroom: No (yes at Pantoll parking lot)

We made a counterclockwise loop from the parking area to Steep Ravine and Bolinas Ridge trails. We don’t recommend taking a clockwise loop as Willow Camp Fire Rd. is quite steep, and climbing down (instead of up) the Steep Ravine ladder can be rather awkward.

Park at the north end of Ave. Farralone. Be sure not to block any driveways, and please be mindful of the local residents.

The Dipsea trailhead, marked by wooden stairs, is located on Hwy 1. Beware of traffic.


↑ From Ave Farralone, proceed through the neighborhood to Dipsea Trail Head.

Note: There are several options you can choose from here, but we proceeded south to make a left on Belvedere Ave, right on Lincoln Ave, right on Buena Vista Ave, right on Calle del Mar, and left on Shoreline Hwy.

Tip: Once you reach Shoreline Hwy, follow the road for about 0.2 mi and look for signs for the trailhead on the left side. Beware of traffic.

← Bear left to follow Dipsea Trail.

Tip: Beware of traffic as you cross Panoramic Hwy.

Tip: You will also cross an unmarked fire road. Don't let this throw you off - proceed straight ahead!

← Make a left onto Steep Ravine Trail.

↑ Pass through the parking lot at Pantoll Ranger Station. Cross Panoramic Highway to connect to Matt Davis Trail.

Note: Pantoll is a great place for a restroom break.

→ At the fork, stay right for Coastal Trail, otherwise known as Bolinas Ridge.

← Make a left at the Willow Camp Fire Road. Continue until you return to Ave Farralone.


This loop really swept us off our feet. We've hiked Mt. Tam several times before, and it's never failed to deliver, but the experience we had on this hike was particularly awe-inspiring.

Dipsea Trail is an excellent appetizer to the rest of your hike. After you make your way from the local neighborhood onto the trail, you'll begin your trek under gently arched trees with rays of sunlight filtering gently through. Dipsea Trail then evolves into an open coastal trail with lovely views of the ocean and glimpses of Stinson Beach.

Steep Ravine Trail envelops you into a cool, lush vegetation hug. Here, you'll follow a babbling brook and numerous miniature waterfalls as you brush past walls of ferns, dance over boulders, and scale the ever-famous wooden ladder. The trail is so tastefully tucked into the natural landscape that you're often not certain where the next turn will be until you reach it - we loved this aspect of the hike because it made us feel so immersed in the natural terrain.

In our opinion, Matt Davis Trail is home to one of the most beautiful viewpoints and detour-worthy spots in the Bay. The trail meanders through a partly wooded trail before emerging onto some gorgeous rolling hills. Numerous small deer trails take you up the hillsides and yield phenomenal views of the ocean and, on a clear day, a silhouette outline of downtown San Francisco, Twin Peaks, and perhaps even portions of the Santa Cruz Mountains deep in the background. We recommend taking a lunch or snack break on at least one of these hills so you can absorb these stunning views that quite literally took our breath away.

Bolinas Ridge Trail (or Coastal Trail, depending on the map you reference), continues to impress. We generally try to keep up a decent pace on our hikes, but once we reached Bolinas Ridge, we made the very easy decision to take our sweet. Ass. Time. Oh man. The views here were astounding. We were truly awestruck throughout the entire length of this trail, which follows a coastal ridge, presenting miles and miles of open ocean and rolling hills before you. From here, we could spot distant cargo ships, little fishing boats, and even the Farallon Islands at one point. Compared to the preceding trails, this one is largely uncrowded, even on weekends. Bolinas Ridge Trail delivers a unique sense of quiet and serenity - so much so that voices of other hikers can be heard echoing across the hills from a mile away.

Willow Camp Fire Road sends you tumbling down a steep descent back to the neighborhood. It's a rough awakening, a return to reality, and you may suffer nature withdrawals once you conclude your hike. We're willing to bet you'll be back very, very soon.


Some Reminders

Wear both a hat and sunglasses. The expansive, reflective ocean waters bounce a ton of UV into your eyes, and even if you're wearing a hat, you will probably experience sunburnt eyes. True story, this happened to us.

Please be respectful of the local residents. Park in areas that are very clearly not blocking anyone's property, and make sure to keep your voices quiet, particularly if you are starting your hike early in the morning.

Helpful Resources

Mount Tamalpais State Park page here.

This hike was inspired by Redwood Hikes, whose outline can be found here.

Good Eats

Delightful and tastefully made Puerto Rican food can be found at Sol Food.

Or try some delicious and authentic Mexican food at Taqueria San Jose in San Rafael - indulge yourself, we dare you! This is a spot we've visited multiple times and would revisit again.

Okay, this one may be a bit unexpected, but Andy's Local Market has a great selection. We ordered a made-to-order pizza here, and it was heavenly. Bonus points because we got to enjoy it on the benches outside with a lovely view of the wharf. (Thanks Miles for the rec!)

Last but not least, Fish has some really fresh... fish. Local, sustainable seafood dominates the menu; we highly recommend the Portuguese red chowder and any of the grilled fresh catches paired with their housemade pasta. It's pricey but the quality is unbeatable.


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Hill 88