North Peak Trail to Montara Mountain | Pacifica, CA


An enjoyable oceanside escape, just a stone's throw from the city.

Last hiked 10/18/20

Length: 7.9 mi.

Gain: 1730 ft.

Type: Reverse lollipop

Difficulty: Strenuous

Crowds: High

Dogs: Allowed on 6-ft. leash


Montara Mountain has a little bit of everything. This is a hiker’s buffet, served up with ocean views, peak climbs, shaded switchbacks, and glimpses of the city. It's a crowd-pleaser, and on sunny days, the crowds reflect this.

Park at Gray Whale Cove off Highway 1. This parking lot services beachgoers and hikers alike, so expect crowds on a nice day.

Park Hours: 8am to sunset

Fees: None

Trailhead: Gray Whale Cove Trailhead at the parking lot

Restroom: Yes

We took a clockwise lollipop route starting from the Gray Whale Cove parking. Some sections of the trail are unmarked, so use good judgment and use Google Maps/GPS if needed. Map generated via

We've found that starting steep gives us a more rewarding, intense workout, and is also easier on the knees upon descent. But, feel free to go counterclockwise; both routes provide amazing views!

Parking is off of Highway 1. Use caution when entering and exiting the lot, and when crossing the highway. There are plenty of distracted drivers (it's Highway 1 after all) and no crosswalks.


↑ Proceed to Gray Whale Cove Trail.

← Make a left onto the unmarked trail which leads you up the steep mountainside.

Tip: This trail is very easy to miss . It's unlabeled and looks almost like a faint deer trail. Keep your eyes peeled!

← You'll tee into the hairpin turn of a larger access road (Pedro Mountain Road). Stay left and follow Pedro Mountain Road up the incline.

→ At the fork, stay right for North Peak Access Road. Follow this trail until you reach Montara Mountain.

↓ After you reach the peak, double back down North Peak Access Road.

← Stay left and continue down Pedro Mountain Road. Complete the hairpin turn and proceed down switchbacks which ultimately lead towards the coast.

→ Stay right for a small trail which peels off Pedro Mountain Road and tees into Gray Whale Cove Trail.

→ Make a right onto Gray Whale Cove Trail and follow it back to the trailhead.


California's coastline has lots to offer, and Montara Mountain is a pretty darn good way of letting it all soak in.

Expect several tough inclines throughout this trail. If you hike on a relatively clear day, you'll be rewarded with stunning views of the deep cerulean ocean.

Oftentimes, Pacifica mornings can be somewhat foggy; personally, we enjoy climbing through and above the fog, then watching it burn off later in the hike. There's something about peering over the fog that makes you feel like you're on top of the world.

There are a few spots along North Peak Access Road that give way to gorgeous views of the SF Sunset District, Mount Diablo, and Mount Tamalpais.

The Montara Mountain peak itself is somewhat unexciting; just a buncha radar towers and some less stunning views.

As you make your way down Pedro Mountain Road on your descent, relish in the cool, shady trails. This is probably the first shade you've encountered in awhile, as the North Peak Access Road is largely unshaded.

Gray Whale Cove Trail is an excellent final reward as you meander alongside Highway 1 on a trail that overlooks the ocean.

After you return to the trailhead, we recommend a quick visit to Gray Whale Cove State Beach, which is right across the street. Cross with caution, as there is no official crosswalk. Just FYI, the northernmost portion of the beach is sometimes frequented by clothing-optional visitors. If that's not your style, stay in the main southern portion of the beach.


Some Reminders

Karl the Fog can have a strong presence on some summer days. Since we happened to hike in the fall, we found that our views were largely unobstructed.

Be observant of mountain bikers who frequent these trails.

Helpful Resources

McNee Ranch State Park official page here.

Good Eats

If you have the good fortune of coming by on a day when Gorilla Barbeque is open, you MUST make a trip. We're huge fans of their chicken (best we've ever had, so smoky and juicy and scrumptious, and we're not usually chicken bbq people!) and their ribs are also amazing. Hours are limited and variable, so check their website. Man, we're drooling as we write this. Takeout only (and why would you want it any other way, as the beach is right there?).


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